United Kingdom & Europe
Name: Paisley Production - James Paisley
Film maker and Story teller
High end production company
Country: UK -Works internationally
City/Town: Manchester
Email: james@thepaisleyproductions.com
Name: Flat out Productions - Mani Ellerington
Film maker and editor
New company is led by mani who is 18 - it is fresh!
Country: France/UK -Works internationally
City/Town: Hossegor
Email: mani.ellerington@gmail.com
Name: Wind and sea collective - Bryan Jennings
Film maker and Producer
Made all the walking on water surf movies
Country: USA -Works internationally
City/Town: San Clemente
Email: Bryan@WindandSeaCollective.com
Central America
South America
New Zealand
South Africa
Name: Ernst Ohlhoff
Film maker and editor
Country: South Africa, based in Jeffreys Bay
City/Town: Jeffreys Bay
Email: ernst@greendoorcreative.co.za
Instagram: @surfcanon
Mobile / WhatsApp / iMessage: +27 82 904 9933