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United Kingdom & Europe
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Name: Mani Ellerington & AJ Ellerington
Country/Language : France - English and French
City/Town/church: Hossegor/Surf church Hossegor
Area of expertise: Youth - hosting events - video messages
Email: Mani@design.com
Name: Rich Ellerington
Country/Language : France- English
City/Town/church: Hossegor/Surf church Hossegor - Director of Surf Church Collective
Area of expertise: church planting/Evangelism/Youth/all ages!
Email: rich@surfchurch.com
Name: Andy Frost & Jo frost
Country/Language : UK - English
City/church: London - Andy is Director of Share Jesus International
Jo is Head of coms for Evangelical Alliance
Area of expertise: church planting/Evangelism/leadership
Email: Andy@sharejesusinternational.com
Name: Phil Williams
Country/Language : UK - English
City/Town/church: Bristol area - Area Director for Christian Surfers (Emma)
Area of expertise: all ages/ surfer events, church partnership
Email: phil@christiansurfers.co.uk
Name: Matt Timms
Country/Language : UK - English
City/Town/church: Newquay/Wave House Church
Area of expertise: church planting/Evangelism/Youth/all ages!
Email: matt@wavehouse.org.uk
Name: Samuel Cianelli
Country/Language : Portugal - English/Portuguese
City/Town/church: Porto - Surf Church Porto
Area of expertise: church planting???????????
Email: porto@surfchurch.pt
Name: Powell Harrison & Audrey Harrison
Powell is lead pastor at SCH and Audrey is head of CS France
Country/Language : France - English / French
City/Town/church: Hossegor - Surf Church Hossegor
Area of expertise: church planting, leadership, cross cultural mission, teaching
Email: burrpowell@gmail.com
Name: Simon Wilson
Country: France
City/Town: Hossegor
Church: Surf Church Hossegor
Area of expertise: Apologetics
Email: Simon.Wilson@hotmail.com
Phone:+44782 4569
Name: Martijn Van Loon
Country: Holland
City/Town: scheveningen
Church: Reality scheveningen
Area of expertise: church leadership, church planting, teaching
Email: contact@realityscheveningen.nl
Name: Steve Ellerington
Country: UK
City/Town: Bude
Church: Oasis Church
Area of expertise: church leadership, church planting, teaching, prophetic, gifts of the spirit
Email: steven_ellerington@hotmail.co.uk
New Zealand
South Africa
Name: Cjay Janson
Lead pastor at Wave Point church
Country/Language : South Africa / English
City/Town/church: Jbay - Wave Point church
Area of expertise: church planting, leadership, mission, teaching, youth & worship
Email: nataliejansen0@gmail.com

Name: Roy Harley
International Director of Christians Surfers
Country/Language : South Africa / English
City/Town/church: Jbay - Wave Point church
Area of expertise: leadership, mission, teaching, surf ministry
Email: roy@christiansurfers.net